Rađenović Plast

Imper IMD


Goč - dečije odmaralište


Stobex Doo.

Elektro Lune

Pan Knjigovodstvo

Expont D.o.o.

Professional approach, maximum effort to provide the best service is the base work of Novamedia. Excellent positioning in Google for the most important keywords has a positive effect on our business income.
Director - Slobodan Simonović - Expont - Beograd

Topers d.o.o.

The result of our registration and banners on the portals of Novamedia is the position of our website. Our website for more keywords is in the top 10 hints in Google.com search. We are satisfied with their services.
Director - Miroslav Petronijević - Topers - Beograd


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